What is this site, who is responsible?

Purpose of the site

This website is hosted on the domain name of a former SBObet agent.
The content of the present site has nothing to do with this activity and the persons in charge of the present site have no link with the persons in charge of the former site.

The present site provides information in good faith about the asian bookmaker SBObet. This information must be verified by the visiting Internet user and in no way commits the persons in charge of the current site.
The objective of the website is to promote sports betting operators. This site has a purely marketing purpose.

The site uses the Yandex Metrica visit analysis tool. The collected data is stored by this service (Russian service) in an anonymous way.

The site is written in English, the persons in charge apologize for possible language mistakes or nonsense that could be made and published.

Person in charge and contact

The publication manager is the Andorran company Dacylion.

To contact the persons in charge, on any subject, please write an email to :

Email: [email protected]

The company is currently hosted in Hong Kong by One Provider, whose legal notice is here: https://oneprovider.com/fr/about-us/acceptable-usage-policy. Please check the free WHOIS services to make sure this information is always up to date.

Thank you for your visit.